The founder & Photographer

Valeria D'Angelo

I started working with photography in the studios of Fabrica, for Benetton: I saw many models parading and posing for impeccable shots, technically perfect, literally from the cover. But I knew that I was looking for something different for myself. I looked at Vogue and I stopped on Paolo Roversi’s editorials: delicate, poignant, magical. Deliberately particular, often blurry, imperfect.

Between Fabrica’s studies and the white backdrop of the university, I realized that the beautiful models and static poses did not give me all the emotion I wanted.

Beauty is not the external one but the one that you can see in your eyes and that shines through your gestures.

True beauty lies in imperfections. The one that you see in the details of the faces, the clothes… and I wanted my photos to make those watching them feel something about them.

Any curiosities

about me

  • I have a crazy fear of bugs and I plug my ears when someone opens a bottle of wine
  • I love “entangled” movies like Inception and dystopian futures like Matrix
  • I’m a “Dr. Martens addicted”
  • I hate wasting time (and I hate getting up late)
  • I’ve been a huge Harry Potter fan forever and I watch all the marathons

my vision

Rock & Jane austen

My vision of wedding photography is divided: the first side is the romantic, delicate, dreamy, a bit moody and intimate way. The details of the dress, the romance of the couple service, the shoes, the tightly held hands, your eyes, the reflection of the light, the caresses, the faces that barely touch… I think they are all words of a beautiful and sweet poem.

The second one is the more spontaneous, authentic, “rock” way. The one that despite the beauty and importance of the event, comes out anyway, as it concerns you, your personality, your real emotions. Although the photos must be beautiful and elegant, they must also “speak”, make you feel an emotion, be real!

I like to call them Rock and Jane Austen, the two sides of my photography style

portfolio valeria d'angelo photographer

my portfolio

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