
70’s woodstock real wedding

After a ton of inspiration styled shoot based on Woodstock festival, Sara and Tavi decided to organize a 70's woodstock real wedding, not a fake one. And all the guests had to follow a vintage dresscode
70's woodstock real wedding

70’s woodstock real wedding

think extra-ordinary

a special dresscode, a colorful English mansion, and a couple born in the wrong years-these were the ingredients for this 70’s woodstock inspired wedding. Sara and Tavi are the main characters of this day, and their story is a little drama with a very happy ending. As you can see I totally change my usual editing style: but every wedding is its own, and every day has different lights and colors and deserves to have a unique treatment.

70's woodstock real wedding
arrange an elopement
like the woodstock festival

Not only vintage, not only woodstock: this is a very unique psico-woodstock inspired real wedding. 70's woodstock real wedding

I’ve known Sara and Tavi for many years, and I’ve always known they would have an unconventional wedding, but definitely not a 70’s woodstock real wedding!

We spent our youth organizing beautiful garden parties at Sara’s house, with games, alcohol, and many friends. I remember summers spent chatting in the cool evening air with candles hanging from the trees… and that’s how I imagined their wedding would be. However, Tavi had to undergo several significant surgeries, which changed their plans a bit: the actual wedding ceremony still took place a few months later, but the symbolic ritual party was postponed for a year. During this extra time, they decided to add a dress code for us guests, some sort of code words? Think 60s-70s vibes and lots of colors. They didn’t want it to be a serious and formal event, but rather informal and “light,” fun.

And so it was. We went back in time with this 70’s woodstock real wedding. Location? An elegant British mansion with a huge garden and many many colors.

thanks to

Wedding planner | Crinolina Wedding
Furniture | Crinolina wedding
Venue | Villa di Campocroce
Photo | Valeria D’Angelo
Catering | Paprika streetfood + Osteria da Tomà
Flowers | Oddkin Flowerfarm
Bride dress | Melissa Combes
Groom suit | Ca’ dei Sarti
Dj + music | Michele Moi